Pierce The Veil on Warped Tour!

     Earlier this week Warped Tour made their final announcement stating which bands will be playing this summer. The final band to be announced was Pierce The Veil and I don’t think anyone understands how freakin excited I am about this news!!! I honestly screamed when I saw and I had to explain to my grandparents who Pierce The Veil is and why I’m screaming about them.

For those of you who don’t know Pierce The Veil is a San Diego based, post-hardcore band formed in 2006. The band was founded by Vic and Mike Fuentes. Vic is the lead singer, and also plays guitar and keyboard. Mike plays the drums. The two other members are Jamie Preciado who plays bass guitar and sings back up vocals, and Tony Perry: lead guitarist.

The group has released three albums: A Flair for the Dramatic (2007), Selfish Machines (2010), Collide With the Sky (2012). They are all amazing and I cannot seem to stop playing the songs on repeat. The band also has a fourth record set to be released sometime this year. They also released a DVD called This is a Wasteland. It is a world tour documentary that also featured a re-entry of Collide with the Sky.

I can only hope that their latest album is released before Warped Tour begins so I have time to learn all the new lyrics that bless my ears. If the album is anything like the past albums it surely won’t disappoint, but frankly I would listen to a whole CD of the band speaking gibberish.

The fact that Pierce The Veil was added to the lineup makes me so happy and that is because I was honestly considering not going this year. I only know a handful of the other artists and the day is a bit pricey for only being familiar with a few of the bands, but Pierce The Veil makes it totally worth it.

-Swaggie Maggie

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